A vital contradiction in our education system
The former chief scientist of Airbus, Jean Francois Geneste said in a brilliant talk delivered at Skoltech, that when it comes to large and complex systems,
What he said has great implications for our own field of urban and regional planning too. It is important to measure and to measure correctly, before planning decisions affecting millions of people, thousands of businesses and hundreds of hectares of land-uses of different kinds can be taken.
Yet, precisely when there is a growing fascination with data and digital technologies, there seems to be a relatively low understanding of the role of mathematics in planning. A substantial part of the problem lies in the fear of the subject itself and the inability to apply it effectively in real situations.
We are all aware, that due to the peculiar limitations of the Indian education system, there is a rigid and unnatural separation between the sciences and the arts.
This leads to a situation where people trained in engineering techniques are often completely devoid of an awareness of social issues and of creativity; and the people trained in humanities are often clueless when it comes to physics, mathematics etc.
Truth be told, this challenge exists in urban planning education outside India too, though, perhaps, not as severely. As Brian Field and Bryan Macgreggor noted in the preface to their book on forecasting techniques,
The important word here is numerate - which means having a knowledge of mathematics and the ability to work with numbers. It is the mathematical counterpart of the word literate, which is the ability to read and write.
The complex is essentially simple
The complex is essentially simple, because it is also a function of our learning, experience and skill. To someone who has never stepped into a kitchen, even making a cup of tea may seem like a forbiddingly complex task. However, to most people it is just a regular task -- a simple task.
The funny thing is that mathematics seems more difficult when it is taught but it seems easier when it is applied !
When it is taught - especially in our schools - its difficulty is cranked up to meet the needs of the engineering entrance exams, whose purpose is to eliminate large numbers of students through a process of cut-throat competition. It is easy to see that this "goal" has nothing to do with solving practical problems of life and society.
Even when students master that gigantic syllabus and get extremely high grades, they may not have internalised the logic behind the topics and may fail to apply them creatively in real life situations.
However, when one begins to study science subjects because one wants to understand and solve real life tasks, then the relevance and applicability of the topics are automatically evident and the human mind understands and internalises them faster.
Let's try to understand this using an example of a model, where we go from the simple to the complex and then realise that it's essentially simple.
Distance decay and equations that make you run away
Urban models are essentially mathematical equations that describe essential features of an urban system and can enable us to simulate and predict its behaviour.
Consider the following equation from Field and Macgregor's book (I will refer to this book and David Foot's book on operational urban models many times in these blogs, as they are just brilliant) -
A = f(B, C, D)
This equation basically means that the variable A is a function of (that is, in some way, depends on) three other variables - B, C and D. Therefore, the value of A will change if there are changes in the values of B,C and D.
But what do A,B,C and D stand for ?
Let's assume that we want to understand how many shopping trips are made from various residential areas in the city to commercial areas. We can describe the components of our model in this way --
A = Number of trips made for shopping purposes (what we wish to find out)
B = Population of the residential area
C = Number of shops in the commercial area
D = Distance between the residential area and commercial area.
But what to do if a city has multiple residential areas and multiple commercial areas and sometimes the residential areas are also commercial destinations and vice-versa ? We would like to express our equation in a way that shows interaction between any number of residential zones and any number of commercial zones.
We do it by introducing two more variables - i and j (where i stands for any residential zone and j stands for any commercial zone) and re-writing our equation thus -
Aij = f(Bi, Cj, Dij)
Where -
Aij - number of shopping trips made from zone i to zone j
Bi - residential population of zone i
Cj - number of shops in zone j
Dij – distance between zone i and zone j
What we have discussed are the concepts of gravity (how strongly do different zones attract each other) and distance decay (how the intervening barriers between zones e.g. distance, cost, quality of infrastructure etc), which are key concepts in mathematical urban models.
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